We provide fast and efficient laser cleaning with eco friendly technology to restore your surface back to its former glory, with a quality finish.
Our laser cleaning machine is owner operated to ensure your item and/or surface is cleaned with care.
Our services include the removal of paint, rust and grime on metal, concrete, stone and other similar surfaces,
and priming and/or respraying of items or surfaces.
We offer a mobile service to clean bigger projects on site
Laser cleaning reduces the risk of base material damage.
Versatile Industrial Applications.
Eco-Friendly Technology.
Quick Removal of Paint, Rust and Grime.
We deliver value for money to our clients by placing emphasis on understanding their business needs.
We offer a mobile service to clean bigger projects on site.
Laser Cleaning is one of the best ways to restore wood, metal and other surfaces to their former glory.
Laser Cleaning can be used to strip rust, paint or other contaminants from a surface.
Owner operated.
Laser Cleaning works by firing millions of pulses of infrared light at a surface every second.
The contaminants are vaporized by the laser beam, and so strip away from the surface.
It is also not harmful to the environment.
It uses light instead of chemicals to remove the contamination, meaning there is no toxic or hazardous product.